Welcome to a blog about Stuff and our love/hate relationship with it.

Overwhelmed? Contact me.

Overwhelmed? Contact me.

Hi. I’m Beth Savage, a Professional Organizer in Buffalo, NY. I do everything that you expect organizers to do- closets, kitchens, etc. However, I focus on helping people who are overwhelmed with all the Stuff they have in their lives. My specialties are: Decluttering, Downsizing, Clearing out a Home after a Death, Moving and Hoarding.

These are times of transition for people. They carry chaos and anxiety, but also the promise of something new and better. I enjoy being part of those times- and helping people get through them.

So here we go. Comment away and let me know if you have questions or topics you’d like to see covered.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.ihavetoomuchstuff.com/blog/stuff/